
In August 1968, Mr. R.S. Coulbourne, Jr., Central Service Supervisor at Wake Memorial Hospital in Raleigh and a North Carolina representative to the American Society for Healthcare Central Service Personnel (ASHCSP) wrote to Ms. Edith Gist of Wayne County Memorial Hospital in Goldsboro, asking if she would be interested in forming an Association of Central Service Personnel. The response from Ms. Gist and others was positive. So the initial plans for formalizing an association were started.

The first organizational meeting was held on September 10, 1969, with our six charter members present. Attendance doubled at the second meeting held on November 5, 1969. Since that time the Association has achieved tremendous growth.

On January 14, 1970, Asheboro was the site for a meeting in conjunction with the Purchasing Agents Association. In March, By-laws, Rules and Regulations were formally written and adopted by the membership. Dues were set at $2.00 per year.

In May 1971, Mr. Lindsay Wilson, in a letter to hospital Central Service Departments statewide, summed up the goal that could very well apply to all current members. He stated in part, that our most urgent present need is “to establish a corps of faithful personnel who are involved in Central Service work; and who will make a special effort toward attending each meeting we have.” It was his view that “if each person who receives this note will pledge to attend the next four meetings of the group, our ultimate goal to become strong enough in number to attend and support programs aimed primarily at Central Service functions will be achieved.”

In 1973, membership emblems and cards were designed and given to all members.

In 1974, a Board of Directors was formed and the first independent meeting of the newly named North Carolina Association for Hospital Central Service Personnel was held in September of that year.

In September 1975, the North Carolina Association became affiliated with the American Society for Hospital Central Service Personnel (AHA).

On October 8-9, 1976 the first annual seminar was held in Asheville with 99 members in attendance.

In 1977, the first Association’s Newsletter was published by then-editor, Rick Lewis.

In January, 1979, Barney Branch was appointed as the newsletter editor. The newsletter was named DESSDA, which are the initials of the primary functions of all Central Service Departments statewide.

In May, 1982, the NCAHCSP returned to Asheville for the Annual Seminar. An elaborate trip to the World’s Fair in Knoxville, TN was offered to those attending.

In June, 1983, the NCAHCSP and the North Carolina Association of Hospital Purchasing and Materials Managers in conjunction with the ASHCSP and the ASHMM, sponsored a seminar, again in Asheville. Reports from the American Society showed that it was the largest meeting ever held.

In April 1984, the Annual Seminar was held in Raleigh. A night out at the local dinner theater for a presentation of “Fiddler On The Roof” was one of the highlights of this meeting. It was also in 1984 that the membership listing was computerized for more effective mailings to all the members. The computer has also allowed access to non-member and out-of-state hospitals for better advertisement of our meetings.

In May 1985, the Annual Seminar was held in Wilmington. By year’s end, there were 210 active members of the Association. The state was regionalized so that Board Members could have greater access to members and potential member hospitals.

At the 1986 Annual Seminar in Asheville, The Association presented Achievement and Merit Awards at the first-ever Awards Banquet and Dinner. Louise Rahilly and Janet Hill won those first awards at the gala affair.

At the 1987 Annual Seminar, several members were awarded with Special Merit awards from the President. This Tenth Annual Seminar boasted the best and most prolific speakers in Association history with a panel which included Bertha Litsky, Peggy Ryan, Judy Borland, Stewart Robinson and Sue McManus. The winners of the Achievement and Merit Awards at this seminar were Joanne Womack and Mary Messer, respectively. The Board of Directors have always tried to provide you with the best possible speakers available. For their efforts, over 100 persons attended the 1987 seminar and a record 48 vendors displayed their wares for the attendees. The Association won the AMSCO Education Award at the ASHCSP annual meeting.

The May, 1988 Annual Seminar was highlighted by the cumulative talents of Sandra Lee, Geraldine Dearing, and Larry Jordan.

In May, 1989, NCAHCSP celebrated 20 years of Progress, Growth and Success with a gala celebration in Asheville, This two-day workshop focused on some basic concepts relative to Central Service. Over 100 people attended the seminar and over 50 vendors displayed their products.

In 1990 four educational programs were offered to our membership. Over 100 members attended the annual meeting in May in Greensboro, and over 50 vendors showed products at the show. The NCAHCSP newsletter was renamed “I Heard it Thru The Steamline” and was published four times that year.

In May, 1991, NCAHCSP held its Annual Seminar (“Waves Of The Future”) in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The Association also held three one/day seminars through the year in Greensboro, with an average attendance of approximately 90 persons for the one/day seminars. Recipients for the Merit and Achievements Awards were Linda Messick and Teresa Kluttz. During the year, the National Institute for the Certification of Healthcare Sterile Processing and Distribution Personnel conducted two certification exams in Greensboro, Asheville, and Charlotte. Many members of the NCAHCSP participated in the exams either by sponsoring or taking the exam.

The May, 1992 NCAHCSP’s Annual Seminar (“The Royal Challenge of the 90’s: Education and Communication”) was held in Charlotte. There were more than 130 attendees and 53 vendors participating in this event. NCAHCSP had a record number of members in 1992 (337) and the one day seminars had record participation from the membership (close to 100 attendees for the three seminars held in Greensboro). Recipients of the Merit and Achievements Awards were Virginia Coffey and Elaine Melton. Participation in the certification testing remains high with the membership. Educational programs provided by the NCAHCSP were directed towards current topics related to the Central Service Profession.

The May, 1993 NCAHCSP’s Annual Seminar (“The Capitol City, Lobbying For Change”) was held in Raleigh. There were more than 100 attendees and 45 vendors participating in this event. Recipients of the Merit and Achievements Awards were Linda Rudeseal and Janet Aultman. NCAHCSP had a record number of members in 1993 (338) and the one day seminars were moved to Winston-Salem due to the continued growth of attendance. The Association won Newsletter of the Year and Chapter Growth In-Common awards from the American Society of Healthcare Central Service Personnel.

The May, 1994 NCAHCSP Annual Seminar, “25 Years of Excellence 1969 – 1994”, was held in Wilmington. There were more than 150 attendees and 63 vendors participating in this event. Recipients of the Merit and Achievement Awards were Barney Branch and Chantelle Simmons. The NCAHCSP had a record number of members in 1994 (351) and the one-day seminars continued being held in Winston-Salem. The Association won the Chapter Growth In-Common Award from the American Society of Healthcare Central Service Personnel. The Association experienced a name change this year to North Carolina Association for Hospital Central Service Professionals. In addition, a mission statement for the Association was established: “The NCAHCSP will establish itself statewide as the leading education organization through innovative programs that enhance the development of Central Service Professionals.”

The May, 1995 NCAHCSP’s Annual Seminar (Building Cornerstones for Our Ever Changing Professionals) was held in Greensboro. There were more than 100 attendees and 60 vendors participating in the event. Recipients of the Merit and Achievement Awards were Carole Caniford and Judy Sosnowski. NCAHCSP added a new Award in memory of Joe Stanley. This years recipient was Bernard Dixon. NCAHCSP had a total of 322 members and the one day seminars continued to be held in Winston-Salem. The Association won the Newsletter Award from the American Society of Healthcare Central Service Professionals. In addition, NCAHCSP received the second place Education Award from AMSCO.

The May, 1996 NCAHCSP’s Annual Seminar “Going for the Gold” was held in Charlotte. There were 80 attendees and 55 vendors participating in the event. Glenda Bently was the recipient of the Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award. Margie Morgan was the winner of the Joe Stanley Memorial Award and Carl Winge received the Merit Award. NCAHCSP had a total of 306 members and the one day seminars continued to be held in Winston-Salem. The Association received four awards nationally from the American Society of Healthcare Central Service Professionals. They were:

On November 15, 1996 the NCAHCSP entered the Information Age by establishing itself on the Internet at The site continues to be very busy with over 3,000 “hits” per month.

The May, 1997 NCAHCSP’s Annual Seminar, “Surfing New Horizons”, was held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. There were 92 attendees and 43 vendors participating in the event. Mazie Speas was the recipient of the Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award. Lois Click was the winner of the Joe Stanley Memorial Award and Frank Sizemore received the Merit Award. NCAHCSP had a total of 290 members and the one-day seminars continued to be held in Winston-Salem.

The Association received three awards nationally from the American Society of Healthcare Central Service Professionals. They were:

The May, 1998 NCAHCSP’s Annual Seminar, “Waves of the Future”, was again held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. There were 82 attendees and 51 vendors participating in the event. Randy Hurder of the Rowan Regional Medical Center was the recipient of the Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award. Margaret Lowery of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center was the winner of the Joe Stanley Memorial Award and Janet Aultman also of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center received the Merit Award.

NCAHCSP had a total of 258 members for the year and the one-day seminars continued to be held in Winston-Salem.

Two Association members were recognized at the Annual ASHCSP meeting held in October in Reno, NV. They were:


With the spring 1999 edition of “I Heard It Thru The Steamline”, we were able to include a continuing education program approved by NICHSPDP.

The Twenty-third Annual Educational Meeting and Vendor Exhibition was held on May 5-7, 1999 in the Queen City of Charlotte. We celebrated our thirtieth year as an Association with “Nuggets of Gold, Pearls of Wisdom, Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence.” If any attendee did not get a piece of birthday cake they have no excuse, there was plenty to go around. The Awards luncheon was decorated in a celebratory fashion with blue and silver balloons. There were a total of 88 attendees and 42 vendors participating in the event. Daryl Chisolm of the Novant Health, Triad Region, Forsyth Medical Center was the recipient of the Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award. Sonia Alden, CRCST of New Hanover Regional Medical Center was the winner of the Joe Stanley Memorial Award and Ruby Blackwell, RN of Novant Health, Triad Region, Forsyth Medical Center received the Merit Award. Louise Rahilly, Cape Fear Valley Medical Center was presented with a Charter Membership Plaque as a founding member of the Association. NCAHCSP had a total of 287 members for the year and the one-day seminars continued to be held in Winston-Salem.

Beautiful skies and warm weather greeted the 75 attendees and 50 vendors at the Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting and Vendor Exhibition held at the Ocean Dunes Resort in Myrtle Beach, SC. in April of 2000. “Taming the Millennium Bugs” expressed the challenges and options addressed by our panel of International Presenters. Geneva Thomas of the Novant Health, Triad Region, Forsyth Medical Center was the recipient of the Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award. Sharon Little of Northeast Medical Center in Concord was the recipient of the Joe Stanley Memorial Award. The Merit Award was presented to Bill Dennis of Duke University Hospital in Durham. Continued participation and interest in the in-service offerings in the Chapter Newsletter have made it a popular feature. The Annual ASHCSP meeting held in Denver in August presented the NCAHCSP with a second place Chapter Educational Achievement award from Steris. The ASHCSP presented a first place award for the Chapter Newsletter.

The year 2001 started off with the sudden loss of a true southern gentleman. Bill Dennis will be missed for his many contributions as a member of the NCAHCSP, the ASHCSP and as a standout in the profession as a whole.

We once again returned to the Queen City for our Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting and Vendor Exhibition held at the Holiday Inn, Woodlawn. An excellent day on the golf course was spearheaded, once again, by the efforts of Louise Rahilly. 95 Attendees and 45 vendors shared expertise and insights as they attended the presentation “2001: A Sterilization Odyssey”. Pat Allred went where no man has gone before with the theme centerpieces at each table. The annual Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award was presented to John Newman of Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. Arritta Holloway of Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte was the recipient of the Joe Stanley Memorial Award. The Merit Award was presented to Paul Hess of New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington.

The Annual ASHCSP Meeting held in Washington, DC presented the NCAHCSP and it’s members with the following awards:

Judging by the number of post-test quizzes submitted for certificates, the inclusion of an inservice offering in the chapter newsletter continues to be well received. Paul Hess replaced Janet Aultman as editor of the chapter newsletter in July. At the October meeting of the Board of Directors it was decided to rename the annual Merit award in the name of Bill Dennis with the approval of his family.

NCAHCSP had a total of 287 members for the year and the one-day seminars continued to be held in Winston-Salem.

The 26th Annual meeting “Guardians of the Future” was held at the Ocean Dunes Resort in Myrtle Beach on May 2 and 3, 2002. Once again we were granted clear skies for the annual golf tournament. The first Bill Dennis Merit Award was presented to Pam Caudell of Durham Regional Hospital. The annual Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award was presented to Carolyn Batts of Craven Regional Medical Center and the Annual Joe Stanley Memorial Award was presented to Betty Morgan of Forsyth Medical Center. There were a total of 41 vendors and a total of 77 members in attendance.

The Annual ASHCSP meeting was held in rainy San Antonio in October and the NCAHCSP was well represented. At this meeting the Association was presented with the Steris Chapter Education Award, the ASHCSP Chapter Newsletter Award, Large Chapter.

We experienced an average attendance of 62 at the quarterly meetings in Winston-Salem. The newsletter in-service has provided a total of 700 certificates of completion since July of 2001. These certificates have been sent to five different states. The Association Web page has been visited with a total of 379,200 hits by the end of December. Our web page was moved to a new server on December 16th 2002. Along with this move was a visual overhaul of the site in January 2003. As a fundraiser, work began on the collection of recipes for an Association Cookbook in the fall of 2002. The goal is to have in excess of 300 assorted recipes from the membership and to publish the cookbook in the late spring of 2003. The Association finished the year 2002 with a total membership of 288.

Our January meeting in Winston-Salem was snowed out for the first time in our history and rescheduled for February. In spite of the short notice, the rescheduled meeting was one of the best attended meetings of the year. Margie Morgan returned to the Board of Directors after being elected as President-elect. We also added Judith Carey to the Board and bode farewell to Susan Avery with appreciation for all her hard work and service to the Association.

We returned to Myrtle Beach, again at the Ocean Dunes Resort, in May for our 27th Annual Exhibition and Educational Meeting “Tides of Change”. Myrtle Beach did not let us down with a mixture of clouds and sun, but no precipitation, for the annual golf tournament. There were a total of 41 vendors and a total of 91 members in attendance. The second Bill Dennis Merit Award was presented to Pat Allred of Carolinas Medical Center – Mercy.

The annual Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award was presented to Ginger Jackson, CSPDT of New Hanover Regional Medical Center – Wilmington and the Annual Joe Stanley Memorial Award was presented to Ruby Adams of Carolinas Medical Center – Charlotte.

The Annual ASHCSP meeting was held in Grand Rapids, Michigan just as the fall foliage was at it’s peak in October and the NCAHCSP was, again, well represented by 16 members of the Association. At this meeting the Association was presented with the ASHCSP Chapter Newsletter Award, Large Chapter, Sue McManus, RN, Mission St. Joseph’s Hospital – Ashville, was the 2003 recipient of the William “Bill” Dennis Memorial Scholarship award and Ginger Jackson, CSPDT, New Hanover Regional Medical Center – Wilmington, received the Margaret “Peggy” Ryan Technician of the Year Award, sponsored by Steris.

November brought the very sad news of the passing of Mary Jo Perkins. Jo had served as a member of the Board, President-elect, President and most recently as our long standing Treasurer while a member of the Association. Her absence, expertise and wit will be missed.

Well timing is everything! We made it through our Winter 2004 meeting without being snowed out. It did snow, rain and sleet the weekend following the meeting however. The meeting was one of our best attended for the year with 78 attendees.

The in-service feature in the Association Newsletter continues to be well received by the membership. Since tabulations were began in July 2000, the Association has issued more than 1,050 certificates of completion. That’s over 1,050 approved contact hours.

The 28th Annual Meeting and Exhibition “Reaching for Excellence” was held in early May under clear, sunny, warm skies once again. The Ocean Dunes Resort in Myrtle Beach provided the backdrop for camaraderie, networking and education.

There were a total of 96 attendees from GA, SC, CT and NC. Following our BOD meeting on Wednesday a “captain’s choice” golf tournament was held at the Myrtlewood Golf Club with a total of 19 golfers. Golf prizes were given for the winning team and runner-up, longest drive, closest to the pin for both men and women.

At the annual Awards Banquet we had two honored guests, Gene Brown and Mary Robinson. Both are now retired and were instrumental in the establishment of the NC Association. Gene was particularly amazed at the growth that the Association has had over the last thirty-five years. Louise Rahilly was also recognized for her role in the establishment of the NCAHCSP and for her continued involvement over the last thirty-five years. We presented the Joe Stanley Memorial Award to Daryl Chisholm of Novant Health in Winston-Salem and the Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award went to Kimberley Sechler of NorthEast Medical Center, Concord, NC. Harriet Pratt of the Carolinas Medical Center-Mercy was presented with our highest award, The Bill Dennis Memorial Merit Award for her continuing contributions and dedication to our Association. We also held a moment of silence to honor Mary Jo Perkins, our seated treasurer, who passed away last November.

We had a total of 43 vendors on Thursday and quite a few provided a door prize that were awarded on Friday. Our final speaker this year did not disappoint the membership. Alyce Kemp DeWitt had us laughing and crying during her presentation of “I Think I’m Having Stress”. We closed the meeting with the awarding of the door prizes. No one left without something.

At the close of the meeting the Association had a total of 376 new and renewing members and had issued a total of 1,218 in-service certificates completed from the newsletter.

The annual ASHCSP meeting was held at the Hilton Hotel in Walt Disney World and again the NCAHCSP was well represented in our attendance. The Association was the recipient of the ASHCSP Chapter Newsletter of the Year Award for large chapters, the Steris Educational Achievement Award, the ASHCSP Chapter Membership Growth Award. Awards presented to individual members were the Peggy Ryan Technician of the Year Award to Kimberly Sechler of NorthEast Medical Center, the first Golden Slipper Award for outstanding customer service was presented to Sharon Little also of the NorthEast Medical Center. The William “Bill” Dennis Memorial Humanitarian Award was presented to Margie Morgan of Moore Regional Hospital.

A decision by the Board of Directors was made that beginning in April 2005 the newsletter would not be mailed and would only be available online. With the rising cost of producing hard copies, packaging and mail costs it is hoped that this decision would save monies on the quarterly mailings. This decision will be re-evaluated in the future.

Our 29th Annual Meeting and Exhibition was once again held at the Ocean Dunes Resort. There were some minor logistical problems associated with the renovation that was currently underway during our meeting but we were given assurances that these would be solved before our next visit in 2006. The meeting was well attended with 103 members and 43 vendors. The weather was slightly windy but the sun was out for the annual golf tournament and it may even have helped some of the drives.

The annual Awards Banquet we again had honored guests. The family of Ray Manning, Sr. were presented with the first Mary Jo Perkins Vendor Appreciation Award. Ray Manning Sr. had been the President of Southeastern Hospital Supply in Fayetteville and provided tremendous support and encouragement during the early days in the establishment of the NC Association. We presented the Joe Stanley Memorial Award to Deidre Carter of NorthEast Medical Center in Concord and the Ray Manning Sr. Achievement Award went to Linda Menius also of NorthEast Medical Center, Concord, NC. Margie Morgan of the Moore Regional Hospital, Pinehurst was presented with our highest award, The Bill Dennis Memorial Merit Award for her continuing contributions and dedication to our Association.

The 2005 year showed a membership of 421 at the close of business on June 30th. The newsletter in-service offering continue to be a popular offering. As of May 2nd we had issued a total of 1,638 certificates of completion to members in nine states. Our quarterly meeting continued to be held at the Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center in Winston-Salem and the web page reported a total of 458,232 “hits” since November 1996.

For 2006, the quarterly meetings continued to be held at The Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center in Winston-Salem, NC. In January, we explored new frontiers for monitoring the steam sterility assurance process, reviewed sterility maintenance concepts, and held a forum for certification questions.

Our annual meeting was held May 4-5 at the Ocean Dunes Resorts and Villas in Myrtle Beach, SC, with a matching theme for the date – “Cinco de Mayo”. Options for low temperature sterilization, documentation, and a feature presentation by Mike Duckett on The Sterile Processing Goal -100% rounded out the festive educational meeting. Annual awards were presented to Linda Wilson, Onslow Memorial Hospital, Jacksonville as the 2006 recipient of the Ray Manning, Sr. Achievement Award, DeLisa Coston, New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington was the recipient of the Joe Stanley Memorial Award and the Bill Dennis Memorial Award was presented to Diane Fink, NorthEast Medical Center, Concord. The second Jo Perkins Memorial Vendor Award was presented to 3M for their longstanding support of the NCAHCSP.

A summer setting greeted members on August 4, 2006, for a discussion on regulations and standards given by our own, Frank Sizemore. Managing conflicts and understanding our emotional hot buttons was presented to us by Sandra Benfield. The fall setting provided a background on November 10, 2006, featuring Dr. William A. Rutala and discussing JCAHO preparations. Power equipment cleaning was addressed for member updates and Susan Phillips provided an update on OR / SPD communication helpfulness.

At the annual meeting for the ASHCSP meeting held Uncasville, Connecticut, on September 23-26, the NCAHCSP again made off with a number of awards. We won the 2006 ASHCSP Affiliated Chapter Educational Achievement Award for chapters over 50 members and the 2006 ASHCSP Chapter Newsletter of the Year Award. Diane Fink and Pam Caudell were the only members to receive the Apex awards from the entire United States . Frank Sizemore of Wake Forest University, Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem was the recipient of the Leonard Leipus Award, the most prestigious award presented by the ASHCSP!

By the end of 2006, our website,, had exceeded over 500,000 visits and continues to accumulate new visitors every day. Membership totaled 311.

2007 – Our year began as a cold one. We met on January 19, 2007, with a severe ice storm gripping the Carolinas. Attendance at the meeting was a big surprise — many were able to attend despite the treacherous conditions. Code cart exchanges were reviewed, inventory control and flash sterilization topics lead the areas of discussion.

At our annual meeting in Myrtle Beach , held May 4-6th, 2007 , everyone came away a winner. Not just from the vendor show but the weather was great. “Seriously Bugging Out” was the theme. Judith Carey from CaroMont Health (Gaston Memorial) was the Bill Dennis Merit Award winner for her support of the chapter, her facility and her community. Inez Dent from Craven Regional won the Ray Manning, Sr Achievement award for her ability to look at things from both the Materials Management side and the CS side as well. Her preceptorship abilities are well known. The Joe Stanley Memorial award went to Cheryl Jones from Duke. She is dedicated to not only her job but to the entire department.

At the annual ASHCSP meeting, held this year in St. Louis , September 16-19, 2007 , we got the shock of our lives. It was announced that the ASHCSP and IAHCSMM were merging. The newsletter again won top honors in the greater than 100 members’ class and the chapter garnered another award for the ASHCSP Affiliated Chapter Membership Growth. Awards presented to individual members were the Peggy Ryan Technician of the Year Award to Delisa Coston of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington and Paul A. Hess, of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington, was awarded the Getinge Educator of the Year Award

As usual, the quarterly meetings continue to be well attended with the program committee doing an excellent job of finding speakers that meet the needs of the membership.
Our January 2008 weather decided to take the cold route so we moved the meeting until February. Our annual meeting, again held in Myrtle Beach was well attended. Our Joe Stanley Award went to Donna Estes of New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington. The process she set up in order to identify what and when the items stocked on the code carts are going to expire was done without computerization of any type. The Ray Manning, Sr. Award winner is Karen Furr from Moore Regional in Pinehurst. She continues to teach the staff as well as restructuring the work hours to better meet the needs of the department. Cheryl Edgar received the Bill Dennis Merit Award because of her dedication to the chapter. In addition, she continually strives to make sure her own department follows the AORN and AAMI guidelines. The Jo Perkins Memorial Award went to Sam Thomas of Getinge, USA. Sam has supported the NCAHCSP behind the scenes for a long time. He has helped to sponsor speakers for our meetings, donates items for door prizes and drawings and has purchased the tee-shirts we use during the meetings. He truly has been there for us when we needed him and I hope he can be there for a long time to come. Thanks, Sam.

In 2009 the meeting was held in Myrtle Beach where we celebrated our 40th anniversary as an association. Our format changed slightly with an evening Luau. As a part of this event we presented our yearly awards. The Joe Stanley Award went to Jessie ]ones, University of North Carolina Hospital – Chapel Hill. Jessie has been a long standing member of the organization and has made numerous contributions to the Central Service profession. The Ray Manning Sr. Award went to Vennie ]ones. Vennie has been a member of the Carolina Healthcare system for 42 years where she is the educator for the certification prep class. The Jo Perkins Vendor Award went to US Medical for their outstanding support of the NCAHCSP. Doug Wood graciously accepted the award. NCAHCSP most prestigious award, the Bill Dennis Merit Award, also went to Jessie Jones. Jessie embodies the sterile processing profession and is most deserving of this award. Congratulations Jessie, job well done! The Association finished the year with a total membership of 236 from throughout the United States. The quarterly educational meetings continue to be held at the Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center in Winston-Salem.

The 35th Spring Meeting and Vendor Exhibition was held in a rather windy but otherwise delightful Myrtle Beach. Once again we held the meeting at the Ocean Dunes Resort and Conference Center. We had a large number of pre-registrations compared to other years as well as the on-site registrants for the meeting. There were a total of 90 attendees that took part in the “SPD Olympics: Reach for the Gold” themed meeting. The Annual Awards Luncheon was decorated by the members of the Board of Directors with red, white and blue ribbons adorned with gold medals in keeping with the Olympic premise. The Joe Stanley Award went to Shaquea White of Carolinas Medical Center – Charlotte. The Ray Manning, Sr. Award was presented to Frankie Barnes from Wilson Medical Center in Wilson. Lana Hacherl of Carolinas Medical Center – Charlotte received the Bill Dennis Merit Award because of her willingness to “step up to the plate” and dedication to the chapter. The Jo Perkins Memorial Award went to Kurt Emmrich of InterMetro Industries, Inc. for his longstanding support of the NCAHCSP. A new award was inaugurated at the meeting sponsored by Doug Woods and US Medical Industries. It was named the “Diane Fink Outstanding Leadership Award”. This year’s recipient was Cristina Winchell of Cape Fear Valley Health System in Fayetteville. Our quarterly meeting were well attended and continued to be held at the Hawthorne Inn and Conference Center. We ended the year with a total of 235 members.

At the Winter meeting in February, we introduced a new presentation in the format of a Wheel of Fortune game. This included topical puzzles based on typical CS areas. Everyone in attendance participated and had an opportunity to amass points. The meeting received very high evaluation scores and everyone had so much fun it was decided to make the NCAHCSP Wheel of Fortune a permanent fixture of the Winter Meeting. The 36th Annual Spring Meeting and Vendor Exhibition was once again held in a rather windy but otherwise delightful Myrtle Beach. We held our meeting at the Ocean Dunes Resort and Conference Center for the final time on April 28-29. More than half of the attendees were pre-registered compared to other years as well as the on-site registrants for the meeting. There were a total of ?? attendees that took part in the “C.S.: An Evolving Profession”. The Annual Awards Luncheon was decorated by the members of the Board of Directors with floral centerpieces. The Joe Stanley Award went to Patricia Washington of Carolinas Medical Center – NorthEast. The Ray Manning, Sr. Award was presented to Earnestine Ratliff from Carolinas Medical Center – Charlotte. Karen Baker of Carolinas Medical Center – Union received the Bill Dennis Merit Award because of her dedication to the chapter. The Jo Perkins Memorial Award went to Troy and Ellen Bush of Commitment Reliable Instrument Repair for their generous and longstanding support of the NCAHCSP. The Diane Fink Outstanding Leadership Award was presented to Leah Tilley of Carolinas Medical Center – NorthEast.

North Carolina Association for Hospital Central Service Professionals
Secretary – Sacha Galloway
813 Durwood Drive
Fayetteville NC 28311